Audio Stories

Sing along street children

Parents might pick up a valued
tradition from the Alligator Tooth
Fairy. Narrator Slim Sneyder‘s
voice always draws out a chuckle!
Includes Alligator Allie song

“Warning! The F-A-R-T word is said at the story’s end in the advice poem.”

What is normal? What is coo-coo? One thing for sure- no bossy cat is going to ruin Curtis’s day. Includes Curtis the Caterpillar song
Which laugher will cheer up Stanley Sadsacks. What has made Stanley so sad? Includes Happy Hilda Song

Word play and more word
play after you jump and count.
Includes Joking Jan song

A little cloud wishes to be
more than what he is. Hear how we
discover imagination in the clouds.
Includes the song I wish I May

Hear with Me

includes Digital Download

Listen to a Hear with Me Sample