Lori Sugarman is a writer, published author, and teacher who has inspired thousands of reluctant children to become enthusiastic writers,
filled with self confidence and enthusiasm. She conducts on-site
writing workshops around the country for elementary students and
teaching staff. Lori is a pediatric hypnotherapist, conference presenter
and motivational speaker around mindset, writing confidence, and the
use of creativity to build writing skills and habits.
Chris Foster is an award winning singer-songwriter composer and guitarist. He has spent the past 30+ years in the music industry composing and performing music across all genres. He has produced 12 cd’s and been honored by the King of Spain for his song, Palma De Mallorca, and the state of Florida for his ballad, Storm of the Century (1935 hurricane in the Florida Keys). A true voice over artist, Chris brings hilarity to this song collection and the audio stories. Lori is extremely grateful to share his talents with you in this collection.